Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Simple Summertime

Hello and happy Wednesday.

Summer is just slipping on by isn't it. I am trying so hard to savor each minute with my kiddos because I know all to soon school will be back in session and it will be go go go.

but they are starting to get a little bored.
I am always trying to come up with fun little inexpensive things for them to do to help keep them busy.

last week we had been cooped up much too long for the day and I was trying to start dinner, finish folding laundry and tidy up before Cam got home.

I had an idea to keep them busy and it ended up being the perfect way to end a summer day.

I picked each one of them some books to read, grabbed their journals, a quilt for each and some snacks and placed them each at separate areas in our yard.

I told them they had to read, write something in their journals and lay on their quilt and just think.

don't let the pictures fool you...they did plenty of running back and forth to each others blankets, but they loved their little quiet time and they looked so sweet I snapped some pictures of them.

it wasn't long and Cam came down the driveway and we were able to switch gears for the day. We are all always ready to see daddy. Things just seem right in the world when we are all five home together.

1 comment:

Nel said...

What a great idea!! And it's always much better when daddy gets home 💖