Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Barn Sale

Forgive me while I play catch up.

It seemed like everything hit the same week and now we are in full swing of getting ready to go back to school. I have so much I want to document but I cant move forward without going back first.

The week leading up to our first barn sale I had the flu, probably the worst I have had it in a long time. On top of that my older two had their final week of swimming lessons and throw in life in general it was a busy week to say the least.

I know if you follow the Three Oaks Facebook page you have seen these pictures, but my mom and dad do not have Facebook and have never seen them so just scroll along for their sake ;)

The dream for having a barn sale has been planted in my heart for as long as I can remember...not all of the details were there but the heart behind what I want it to be has been there forever and I believe with all of my heart it is part of God's purpose for my life. I don't know how long or what the long term outlook looks like, but I know without a doubt it is where he wants me right now.

I love the idea of having a sale each season because my babies are still young and need so much of me, but with anything I still had to learn to balance everything and there were times I was overwhelmed. Actually if I didn't know so strongly in my heart this was something God wanted me to do I would have let it go. but I pressed on on the hard days because HE told me to.

I can remember one day in particular the kids and I were on our way to the store and I was completely overwhelmed so I pulled into the field where the barn is, left the kids in the car (in the air-conditioning) and told them not to move. I walked into the barn and started crying. It didn't last long because the Lord spoke to me and told me to keep trusting Him. to keep taking simple steps and he would provide. So that is what I did. Each day was committed to my family first and each day little pockets of time surfaced where I was able to accomplish things.

People would ask me about my plan... if it was to rain, if no one was to come, etc. and deep down in my heart I would hear the Lord say not to worry so I didn't.

I had complete peace for the first time and even when I was so sick I knew this was something he wanted me to do.

And the day of the sale we had perfect weather.

And we were amazed at the amount of people that came. And people didn't just come, they were so sweet. so supportive and encouraging of my little dream.

And in my heart I knew it was all because of the Lord.

And now that school is getting ready to start and the next sale is just a few months away I feel like I need to hurry and catch up, but I just couldn't do that without first going back and giving thanks.

the week before the sale one of my children was heavy hearted about an issue with school starting. so we committed to praying about it every night and I encouraged them to have faith. we since then have had many talks about being patient, having faith and trusting God's plan. I shared with them how I was trusting God with the barn sale and following his lead. How I was having faith.

Last night as I was tucking them in they said " Mommy, you had faith and trusted God with your barn sale and it turned out so good "

It was so encouraging to me. To realize that they saw me live out my faith.

I share all of this because maybe you can relate? Maybe you have a dream deeply rooted that you are just waiting for God to bring to the surface? Maybe you are in a place in your life where you are just doing good to get through the day and all of this seems nice but unreachable.

Please know I have been there. I was there exactly a year ago. I was sending my oldest off to kindergarten and approaching a due date where there would be no baby. I was broken and hurting in the deepest of places. I was in no place to chase any dreams and I did good just to get through each day. To say it was a hard time in my life would be an understatement. It was the worst time of my life.

But I decided to fight through and trust God even though I was unsure. And I can tell you He has been so faithful at restoring my heart and pursuing me. So wherever you are I encourage you to trust Him. He has a plan for you wherever you are.

Thank you for reading here. Thank you to everyone who came to the sale and has loved and encouraged me.

You may remember a post back in the spring where I walked after a bad hail storm.

I had all these dreams swirling around in my heart and the Lord put this verse on my heart and it has been what I stand on when I feel small.

"Now to HIM who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
Ephesians 3:20

Monday, August 1, 2016

River Night

I look back through pictures on my phone and it wasn't all that long ago that I posted about our new place and the barn sale and now here we are and it is the week of the sale.

Life just happens so fast doesn't it.

A few weeks ago we all loaded up right in the middle of the week and took our dinner to the river

It was just one of those moments ya know...where you feel it in your heart.

Do you ever secretly wonder if you are living best days of your life?

I know that probably isn't true, but our kiddos are just at some of the sweetest ages and when I look back and see Ally holding her baby the whole way to the river or watch McCoy mimic everything Weston does in admiration I wonder if these sweet days that are passing too fast are my best.

One of the kids lined all of our shoes up  and I thought it was so sweet.

One of my favorite things about going to our little spot on the river is it is so low maintenance. We don't pack a lot and the kids find all sorts of rocks and shells and make games out of just whatever their imagination brings about. Dinner was simple and we just enjoyed being together and enjoying the beauty of God's creation around us and I am pretty sure that is how He intended it to be.
I think sometimes we make too much of things and I am thankful for how my kids always remind me that life really isn't all that complicated when we slow down and don't fear and have faith and just be.

I have learned you take as many snacks for the ride home as you do for while you are there. The kids munched on apples and we drove home recharged and ready for another day.

I pray all who read here have a way to reset when things get busy and our minds get blurry.
I hope everyone has a great week. I have more to share so hopefully I will be back soon!

Gasconade County Fair

When I was a little girl I was in 4-H. My brother Blake and I showed dairy cows every summer at local fairs and our favorite was always the Owensville Fair.

Fast forward to life now and his daughter is in 4-H and we always enjoy loading up the last week in July and going to watch her at the fair.

This year my mom took off work so the kids and I picked her up on our way.

I found a few pictures from last year and had to include them. It amazes me how much the kids change from year to year.

The rest of the pictures are from this year.

After we watched Halle show we had a picnic lunch and then waited in the barn until the parade started. Cameron headed down once he got off work and arrived to the fair just as everything was wrapping up at the parade. A huge storm blew in and my mom and I got stuck buying supper up at the cook shacks. We waited it out and once it was over we gobbled down dinner and headed to ride rides. My kids are finally at an age where skipping over riding rides is not an option ;)

It was another great year at the fair. I am so thankful my kids are growing up so close the their cousins.